Monday, 27 November 2017
HoloLens : Microsoft poursuivi pour une supposée Breach de deux brevets
Actuellement en plein travail sur la réalité augmentée avec son HoloLens, Microsoft ne s’attendait sûrement pas àça (ou pas) et pourtant une société vient…
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Sunday, 26 November 2017
HoloLens vs. Mixed Truth Cans: The differences that are Small
Mixed Reality cans and holoLens share the Mixed Truth stage, but outside of the AR/VR differences that are apparent, there are a number of differences worth noting.
Over the past week or so, I have been playing with all the Microsoft HoloLens plus a new Mixed Truth headset from HP. Both the HoloLens and Mixed Reality cans are a part of the same “Mixed Reality” stage, however there are loads of differences as well as similarities to be aware of.
Obviously, the most significant difference is the distinction between AR and VR. Whereas each of the Mixed Reality headsets that are new are VR HoloLens is a AR headset. Rather than exploring those differences, I wanted totake a peek at the differences that were smaller.
The field of view
How broad of a image you make it at a headset can be a big price for an immersive experience. The Mixed Reality cans have a field of view starting at roughly 95 degrees, together with a few headsets that offer a slightly wider perspective (a broader field of view fills up more of your vision and gives you a more immersive experience).
If your eyes drift from the centre you will notice the edges of these displays, although 95 degrees is pretty good for a VR headset. It seems just like you are looking out through a tube, since it darkness beyond there. You’ll find an approximation of the view, if you cup your hands around the outside of the eyes.
The HoloLens is a different beast. Its display allows to be overlayed on top of the world that is real, rather than placed within a digital world like to the Mixed Reality cans. You might think as it is possible to see everything about you as well as the 3D apps and games, this kind of experience would be even more immersive you are using. That’s not the case.
The problem is the HoloLens’ restricted field of view — about 30 degrees (move those cupped palms out several inches). The framework where you will see matches, apps, and holograms is tiny in contrast to the immersive adventure with a Mixed Reality headset.
The image above is. Till you move your head, inside the black box is where holograms appear, and as it is still possible to see beyond the black box, holograms do not appear there.
The subject of view difference between Mixed and HoloLens Reality headsets’ end result makes the HoloLens feel more comfortable to use. It seems as though I’m looking through a window that is tiny, even though I could see the world around me. A Combined Reality headset feels just like searching through a significantly larger window, and therefore, is a overall experience that is better.
There are other differences also, for example, HoloLens doesn’t support any of the new Mixed Reality controllers that surfaced this month. In theory, HoloLens has each of the sensors required to support the Mixed Truth controls, but because HoloLens is stuck over the Redstone 1 variant of Windows 10, it lacks that assistance.
Different variants of Windows 10
Talking of Redstone 1 the HoloLens is stuck on a variant of Windows 10 from 2016. It is running the Anniversary Update and has not received any official Windows 10 release since. Microsoft says it is working in an update for release early next year, which we are hoping will bring HoloLens up to applications parity using the newest Mixed Reality cans.
Programmers who wish to build apps for HoloLens and Mixed Reality cans can’t do so because of the difference in APIs between the Anniversary Update and Fall Creators Update. The Mixed Reality platform on the Fall Creators Update is far baked, with greater features and APIs for programmers to mess with. HoloLens needs to catch up.
The immersive experience is distinct. Reality cans use something called Cliff House, in which apps and games can open in Mixed Reality. Since the headset is still an AR one, on the HoloLens, the same experience happens within your own personal real environment.
Due to this, when utilizing a HoloLens, you must physically go around the area to make use of your experience. Reality headset users need to teleport about the digital atmosphere, and instead, can’t do this.
There are some similarities between the HoloLens and Mixed Reality encounters . As an example, both may be controlled through voice. Hey Cortana functions you need to pin, move, shut, open and socialize with apps. The biggest difference between the devices is the UI. It is exactly the same.
The Mixed Reality Start menu, together with the behaviour of games and apps being pinned to surfaces and walls functions exactly the same . It is indistinguishable, which is great. All the Windows 10 apps that weren’t constructed especially for HoloLens work just as you would expect on Mixed Reality headphones.
Gap between Mixed Reality headsets and the HoloLens for me, nevertheless, is program support. Programs constructed for HoloLens do not work on Mixed Reality cans. This means any developer building for HoloLens needs to perform a little bit of work to find that program working on Mixed Reality cans.
I was initially hoping that HoloLens apps would “just work” on Mixed Reality cans in the Cliff House, which basically simulates a true atmosphere for you personally, but apparently, that’s not the case. Perhaps that’ll be.
There are many similarities and differences to consider when assessing the HoloLens and Mixed Reality headsets. But the most significant difference, at least now, is the marketplace in. HoloLens isn’t aimed at exactly the same market as Mixed Reality headphones, at least not yet.
HoloLens is very much a enterprise or developer tool and has zero consumer play at this moment. Reality headsets, on the other hand, are somewhat more consumer are far cheaper, and orientated.
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Saturday, 25 November 2017
Microsoft Struck over HoloLens tech with patent infringement Lawsuit
Microsoft is now being sued over alleged patent infringement because of tech employed in its HoloLens combined reality headset.
Connecticut-based technology firm HoloTouch recently declared it has filed a patent infringement suit against Microsoft in the Southern District of New York (through Neowin). According to the submitting, HoloTouch, which works to make ways for humans to interact with machines without touching them, hinting that Microsoft has infringed on two of its patents relating to interacting with holographic pictures.
In a statement, ” HoloTouch said:
Companies are using in addition to making and selling products which involve interacting with holographic images of what would otherwise be buttons or keys of electronic equipment or electro-mechanical devices to operate them. Without our consent, any of these activities violate our several patents and patents pending. In many cases, infringers of our patents have been conscious of development and our possession of this technology, possibly subjecting them to enhanced compensation in addition to periodic penalties for patent infringement. Confidentiality agreements have been signed by infringers and been provided with demonstrations of our advanced and tested technology.
According to the filing, HoloTouch states it approached Microsoft in 2006 for a venture, but Microsoft never responded. Microsoft mentioned HoloTouch’s patents as prior art in a 2013 patent filing, demonstrating that it had been conscious of the patents of HoloTouch. HoloTouch states it achieved to Microsoft from 2016 and 2015 to talk about arranging a licensing arrangement for the patents in question.
It seems as though the suit against Microsoft might be the first of several. HoloTouch says that it is preparing complaints against other companies that it claims are infringing on its patents.
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Microsoft oskarżony o naruszenie patentów w okularach HoloLens
Microsoft oskarżony o naruszenie patentów w okularach HoloLens
Can sądu w USA wpłynął pozew skierowany przeciwko koncernowi Microsoft. Firma została oskarżona o nielegalne zastosowanie w okularach HoloLens patentów należących perform firmy HoloTouch.
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Microsoft pozwany w naruszenia patentów HoloLens
Microsoft pozwany w sprawie naruszenia patentów HoloLens
Microsoft spotka się w sądzie z firmą HoloTouch, która siedzibę ma w stanie Connecticut. Firma Id twierdzi, że wymyśliła holograficzny przełącznik światła, który pozwala na manipulowanie różnymi przedmiotami, które po prostu unoszą się w powietrzu. Oznacza to, że można aktywować wirtualnie różne rzeczy bez konieczności bezpośredniego kontaku.
Według HoloTouch Microsoft naruszył prawa do patentów, które HoloTouch otrzymał w roku 2002 oraz 2014 za technologię tzw. interfejsu człowiek-maszyna. Jeden z patentów opisuje sposoby na kontrolowanie urządzeń bez konieczności ich dotyku, zaś drugi opisuje redukcję zużycia mocy, rozmiaru i wagi konwencjonalnego holograficznego interfejsu człowiek-maszyna.
HoloTouch, co ciekawe, podaje, że skontaktowało się z Microsoftem w roku 2006, by przedyskutować kwestię tej technologii. Firma z Redmond stwierdziła wtedy, że nie jest zainteresowana takim projektem. Późniejsze rozmowy miały miejsce w roku 2015 oraz 2016, gdy HoloLens był już pewniakiem na rynku. Według firmy z Connecticut Microsoft naruszył patenty i ukradł ich pomysły, zwłaszcza, że wiedział o istnieniu tych patentów. Na razie Microsoft nie wystosowałżadnego oficjalnego komentarza w tej sprawie.
Microsoft HoloLens to wiodący sprzęt na rynku rzeczywistości rozszerzonej oraz mieszanej. Jest to urządzenie przenaczone raczej dla profesjonalistów. Różni się więc od headsetów, które główne zastosowanie mają w rozrywce czy grach. Can tych bowiem należą takie sprzęty jak Oculus Rift (zobacz najlepsze oferty), HTC Vive (sprawdź najniższe ceny) czy mobilny Samsung Gear VR (sprawdź najlepsze oferty).
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AR firm sues Microsoft over HoloLens patent infringements
A glitch that was lawful has been encountered by Microsoft in its own HoloLens headset’s maturation. Connecticut-based firm HoloTouch has filed a patent-infringement lawsuit against Redmond for “willfully” dismissing its holographic imaging patents.
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Econocom doet deel Europese distributie Hololens
Econocom gaat voor Microsoft de distributie van de Hololens verzorgen at België, Frankrijk, Ierland, Italië, Luxemburg, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Daartoe hebben beide spouses getekend.
Microsoft heeft een groot deel van de Europese distributie van zijn Hololens toevertrouwd aan Econocom. In een persbericht zegt die dat dit te danken is aan ‘zijn ervaring at logistiek en distributie maar ook voor zijn financieringsopties at abonnementsvorm of pay-per-use.’ Dat soort financieringsmodellen moet toelaten om p penetratiegraad van p Hololens te versnellen. Tot voor kort was de bril enkel beschikbaar via p Microsoft Store.
Econocom neemt met deze ook aan het Mixed Truth Partner Program van Microsoft, dat designstudio’s en integratoren samenbrengt. Econocom zal met de andere dienstverleners samenwerken aan gepersonaliseerde holografische oplossingen. Vandaag test Econocom al eigen toepassingen voor onderhoudsassistentie en opleidingen. Die zullen in 2018 gecommercialiseerd worden.
‘Mixed reality is een nieuw theory maar we zien tal van mogelijkheden voor bedrijven. Dankzij dit venture helpen we onze klanten om er van bij de begin gebruik van te maken versneld vruchten te plukken van hun digitale transformatie’, country director van Econocom Belux, zegt Bruno Ronsse.
De Hololens laat toe om hologrammen en toepassingen als het te vermengen and de omgeving van de gebruiker fulfilled. Sinds de er al gebruiksscenario voor Hololens in omgevingen van opleiding, bijstand op afstand, onderhoud en klantenrelaties ontwikkelingen en design. Volgens een studie van Grand View Research kan het van blended fact groeien tot 6,8 miljard dollar in 2024.
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Thursday, 23 November 2017
The HoloLens of Microsoft is first target in rash of AR patent suits planned
We see holding companies wielding infringement suits a lot to make money. Microsoft is the target of a fresh suit filed earlier this month with a company over its HoloLens technology that supposedly infringes on two holographic-image patents that have existed for more than 10 years. What’s more, this is only the first salvo of lawsuits associated with the patents.
HoloTouch copes in “human-machine interface engineering,” or even a means for people to interact with machines or apparatus without bothering them. The company has filed suit in the Southern District of New York, alleging that Microsoft has willfully infringed on both patents and is seeking a jury trial and triple settlement, which will be permitted in the event the jury finds that Microsoft understood that it was infringing on the patents, also did so anyhow.
The two patents, the following from 2004 and one from 2002, connect to interacting and images . Especially, patent ‘238 deals with a “method by which an operator may control one or more devices without touching a good control surface or object while still interacting with familiar controls that are visually sensed, including a keyboard.” Patent ‘245 copes using holographic human-machine interfaces (HMIs) and covers an innovation that’s intended to allow “the decrease in the energy consumption, weight and size of conventional holographic HMIs.” The latter, in basic description, seems like an precursor to VR headsets and current AR and technology.
Not only is the technology patented in the United States, it is also improved in Japan, Australia, Canada, the U.K., also patents pending in the European Union.
The suit claims that HoloTouch operates with original equipment makers (OEMs) to design and build prototypes using the patents. It offers licenses for the technology, and approached Microsoft working with back the tech in 2006. Microsoft didn’t react to the overture.
The “willful” aspect of this suit comes into play in 2013, when Microsoft supposedly filed its own patent in 2013, “mentioning HoloTouch’s patents as prior art.” If true, this is key in demonstrating knowledge. The suit alleges that in November 2015 and again in January 2016, HoloTouch contacted Microsoft about licensing the patents. This time Microsoft did react, stating it had reviewed the patents, but no licensing agreement ever materialized.
The suit goes into extra detail about HoloLens seems to infringe on the patents, pointing to every claim of this patent and pointing from the particulars of this HoloLens engineering that applies.
“Our company will vigorously pursue its statutory remedies against all who make the most of our revolutionary technology with no compensation provided by law, especially in light of current fascination with touchless, holographic controls and operation of apparatus using them across commercial spectra,” the company said in a press release.
It seems that Microsoft might be the first of many in the AR/VR space targeted by HoloTouch. The company stated that additional suits are being prepared, and can be filed against additional as-yet unspecified businesses.
HoloTouch was founded in 2002. The company site says that holographic light switches using its technology are set up in Greenwich Hospital and also Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut “where hygiene and durability are critical issues.”
R. Douglas McPheters, president of HoloTouch, advised Neowin that the company does not comment publicly on pending lawsuit or internal company practices. A Microsoft rep appreciated being revealed the suit, however, said the company had nothing.
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Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Microsoft Previews Actiongram, Its HoloLens Movie Maker AppWith…
Microsoft Previews Actiongram, Its HoloLens Movie Maker App
With Actiongram, users with no animation or CGI experience will have the ability to add interactive avatars into videos they capture Hololens as easily as they drag a file into a folder to your desktop today. Actiongram isn’t supposed to be a CGI tool. As its “g” name suggests, it’s designed as social media production tool over the lines of Instagram. An app that enables users to create amusing and cool short content they want to share with friends.
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Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Star Trek’s Most Addictive Game Is on Hololens
It won’t lead you to surrender the Enterprise.
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The Best Use For Microsoft’s HoloLens Can Be Playing with a Star Trek: TNG Game That Nearly Killed the Crew
You either think of the movie The Lawnmower Man, or that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where the crew becomes addicted to a augmented reality game which kills everybody, when you consider the days of digital reality. Which, incidentally, now you can play on Microsoft’s HoloLens AR headset.
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Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Monday, 13 November 2017
You Can Virtually Explore BMW’s New X2 With Microsoft’s HoloLens
You Can Nearly Explore BMW’s New X2 Together With Microsoft’s HoloLens

The marketing centers on a mixed reality program known as the BMW X2 Holo Experience. It runs to the Microsoft HoloLens also allows users to experience “entertaining challenges” such as directing the crossover out of a maze or offering the model a special paint job.
The X2 Holo Experience will soon be available at personal events in addition to BMW dealerships and BMW brand adventure facilities. Visitors will have the ability to bring a holographic selfie using the car and then have a test drive of the actual model.
Based on BMW communications boss Uwe Dreher, “The X2 will interest a comparatively new, young and digitally-savvy target group that’s also searching for unique and contemporary adventures from communications. The Holo Experience provides the desirable technical wow-effect, which we hope will maximize our appeal to this target group in a fun and entertaining way, using advanced technology.”
Last month the BMW X2 was unveiled and it resembles a huge hatchback instead of a crossover that was traditional. Back in Europe, the model is going to be offered with a 2.0-liter TwinPower Turbo lookup engine that develops 192 PS (141 kW) and 280 Nm (206 lb-ft) of torque in addition to a 2.0-liter four-cylinder diesel with outputs of 190 PS (140 kW) and 231 PS (170 kW).
U.S. clients can look forward to a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder producing 228 hp (170 kW) and 258 lb-ft (349 Nm) of torque.
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Sunday, 12 November 2017
BMW-Kunden können neuen X2 mit der Microsoft Hololens erkunden
BMW-Kunden können neuen X2 mit der Microsoft Hololens erkunden
© Microsoft
Für die Kampagne zum neuen BMW X2 hat BMW gemeinsam mit Microsoft die BMW X2 Holo Experience entwickelt. Über die Mixed-Reality-Anwendung sollen Kaufinteressierte das neue Fahrzeugmodell (eine Art „SUV-Coupé”) mit Microsoft Hololens auf interaktive Art und Weise erkunden können. So kann der Kunde das Fahrzeug holografisch durch ein Labyrinth führen oder auch individuell lackieren.
Die BMW X2 Holo Expertise setzt im Hintergrund auf die Microsoft Cloud-Plattform Azure. Dabei werden verschiedene Funktionalitäten außerhalb der Hololens-Applikation unterstützt: Vom Verwalten der Nutzer, der Steuerung der Expertise, dem skalierbaren Hosting sämtlicher Ressourcen bis hin zum Versenden von individualisierten Mails mit einem holografischen Selfie.
So zum Beispiel ein Foto des Besuchers erstellt und das Video-Rendering und die Zurückführung der digitalen Informationen in die Anwendung erfolgt in Echtzeit. Der Besucher kann noch während der laufenden Experience eine holografische Aufnahme von sich als Teil der Kampagne erleben. Im Anschluss wird das holografische Selfie vor dem BMW-X2-Modell automatisch a room Anwender versendet und kann through social networking geteilt werden.
„Mit dem X2 werden wir eine relativ neue, electronic affine und junge Zielgruppe ansprechen, die in der Kommunikation auch besondere und zeitgemäße Erlebnisse erwartet”, so Uwe Dreher, Leiter Markenkommunikation BMW. „Die sorgt für den gewünschten technischen Wow-Effekt der wir auch diese Zielgruppe premier begeistern können, spielerisch, unterhaltsam und mit innovativer Technologie. “
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Allerdings haben BMW-Kunden keineswegs bei jedem BMW-Händler die Möglichkeit den neuen X2 virtuell zu erkunden. Stattdessen steht diese „BMW X2 Holo Experience” nur bei ausgewählten BMW Händlern, in den exklusiven „Closed Rooms, im Brand Experience Center in Zürich, den BMW-Niederlassungen in Berlin und München sowie in der Automag München zur Verfügung. Weitere Standorte sollen folgen.
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Thursday, 9 November 2017
Microsoft hopes to push on its HoloLens AI chip into other devices
Microsoft expects to take a committed AI chip that it’s building into the next generation of its own HoloLens augmented-reality headset and push it into other hardware, presumably PCs and devices built by other countries.
Speaking to CNBC, Microsoft’s device chief Panos Panay stated the firm continues to operate in an AI chipset to the next production of the HoloLens, which thus far has been marketed mainly to industrial partners. In accordance with Panay, Microsoft is poised to expand sales of their HoloLens out of 10 markets into a total of 39, adding 29 new markets across Western Europe. (Microsoft has yet to sell the HoloLens into Russia or India, although China was part of the first 10 markets.)
Microsoft revealed that it was constructing the newest AI chipset in July, although it was uncertain what works that the chipset would manage. Microsoft stated that the more conventional approaches and other devices enhanced existing cloud fabrics, but that it sought to develop a more independent chip that could be used online or offline.
[Further reading: The Greatest over-the-air TV antennas for cord cutters]
Panay appeared to affirm that in the interview. When asked whether he saw the newest AI chipset being used in other devices across Microsoft’s hardware portfolio, Panay replied, “Yes.”
Why this matters: up to now, Amazon, Apple, and Google watch AI as an important part of the puzzle to electricity your telephones and home devices, but Microsoft obviously places importance on smartening your PC, too. With Windows phones it’s still around Microsoft to help promote hardware partners such as HP and Dell. Smarter PCs will help.
HoloLens expansion signals it’s alive also
Both the growth of the AI chip in addition to markets signal the HoloLens is far from lifeless, even though it could be applied in hardware. That has meant that the PC, needless to say, which was the very first house the electronic assistant of Microsoft, for Cortana.
“We have to continue to obtain these pieces of silicon, these chipsets that have to be developed, to deliver those sensors to life, to connect people to each other, and with their goods,” Panay additional, elaborating on the company’s plans to deliver AI silicon to additional devices.
From the meeting, Panay verified that the business has a internal combustion design group, but also works in improvement with partners and chip makers. The ASIC as an example, was created he explained.
As the Surface line was created to “break trail” and inspire other PC makers to follow suit, Microsoft plans to continue licensing the technology it develops to other device makers. “I think about the most significant things we do in mind and in our chip development isn’t only creating technology–we have a pen, there is an ASIC from the pen–as an example, that we do permit out into other businesses,” Panay stated. And without a doubt, the chance to be certain that we get the technology, make it within Surface, and after that proliferate it to our spouses and give everyone the chance to work with is essential.”
Allowed, Microsoft also expects to deliver Cortana and AI to smart speakers such as the Harman Kardon Invoke, competing with the Alexa-powered Echo Dots, Google Homes, and much more.
It’s unlikely that Microsoft will stop there. Amazon recently launched the Echo Show, an Alexa-powered smart device that comprises a tiny LCD. Two key technologies comprise Skype and Windows Hello. Simply take the machine vision abilities of this HoloLens, pair them with a small speaker with a camera and LCD screen, and what have you got? Something that might be interesting.
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29 new European markets are spread into by Microsoft HoloLens
The Microsoft reality headset that is wildly costly, business-focused is offered in a grand total of 39 countries around the world.
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Microsoftov HoloLens dostupan I u Hrvatskoj
Microsoft HoloLens u Hrvatskoj će biti dostupan od 1. prosinca 2017. godine.
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Hololens di Microsoft arriva in Italia
Microsoft ha annunciato a Londra durante la conferenza Future Decoded che Hololens giungerà finalmente anche sul nostro territorio e in altri 28 Paesi dal prossimo dicembre.
Dopo aver debuttato lo scorso 30 marzo at dieci mercati, il visore per la Realtà Mista di Microsoft che si interfaccia con Windows 10 giunge finalmente at quasi tutti gli stati europei, tra cui l’Italia. Ora anche altre aziende potranno utilizzare la realtà mista e l’interazione 3D di Microsoft each ripensare I processi produttivi interni e mostrare ai clienti la propria offerta da una nuova prospettiva.
È il caso ad esempio di IVECO Bus, WWF e mail Save the Children. “In Microsoft abbiamo intrapreso la missione di aiutare le persone e le aziende di tutto il mondo a ottenere di più”, ha dichiarato Lorraine Bardeen, General Manager di Microsoft HoloLens e Windows Experience.
Microsoft HoloLens, lo abbiamo provato: un salto nel futuro!
“La Realtà Mista racchiude at sé il potenziale di affiancare professionisti e aziende in tutto il pianeta nel fare ciò che finora non era mai stato possibile. Gli scenari aperti dalla Realtà Mista saranno un aiuto per aziende e professionisti each svolgere compiti chiave in modo più rapido, più sicuro e più efficiente, ma anche a creare nuovi modi di connettere utenti e companion”.
Se Hololens è al momento pensato principalmente a il mercato business, gli ultimi brevetti depositati dal colosso di Redmond fanno intendere che in un prossimo futuro possa arrivare anche una nuova versione dedicato al mercato customer.
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Wednesday, 8 November 2017
The People of CeBIT impresse at the booth from VISCOPIC
The visitors of CeBIT impressed .
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Microsoft HoloLens va fi disponibil în România
Microsoft HoloLens va fi disponibil în România, a anunțat gigantul software american în cadrul evenimentului Potential Decoded din Londra. Dispozitivul maintenance combină realitatea virtuală cu cea augmentatăîntr-o “realitate mixtă” a fost lansat pe 29 de noi piețe din Europa, inclusiv țara noastră.
Anterior, acesta se găsea doar în zece țări din lume, respectiv SUA (inclusiv Puerto Rico), Canada, Australia, China, Franța, Germania, Irlanda, Japonia, Noua Zeelandăși Marea Britanie.
Citește și…
„Realitatea mixtă are potențialul de a ajuta clienții și companiile din întreaga lume să realizeze lucruri care nu au fost posibile până acum. Experiențele de realitate mixtă vor ajuta companiile și angajații săîndeplinească sarcini esențiale mai rapid, mai sigur și mai eficient, și să creeze noi moduri de conectare cu clienții și partenerii”, a declarat Lorraine Bardeen, manager overall al Microsoft peentru HoloLens și Windows.
Preț prohibitiv
Microsoft nu a precizat prețul la maintenance dispozitivul va putea fi achiziționat de români și nici data de la care va fi disponibil.
Microsoft a anunțat prima oară HoloLens în ianuarie 2015 și l-a distribuit prima dată dezvoltatorilor și partenerilor comerciali din SUA și Canada pe 31 martie 2016.
Modelul comercial costă 5.000 de dolari pe site-ul Microsoft din SUA, iar varianta pentru dezvoltatori este 3.000 de dolari.
Profituri și scandaluri
Microsoft este cea mai mare companie software din lume și a anunțat recent un gain net de 6,58 miliarde de dolari la venituri totale de 24,54 miliarde.
Compania a fost implicată current în mai multe scandaluri, între maintenance utilizarea de către hackeri a unor vulnerabilități din sistemul de operare Windows pentru demararea celui mai mare atac cibernetic din istorie, dar și spionarea utilizatorilor prin intermediul Windows 10.
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Microsoft HoloLens del mundo llega a España
Microsoft HoloLens (MH) estará disponible en España a partir del próximo 1 de diciembre, tal y como ha anunciado la compañía estadounidense durante su feria londinense Potential Decoded.
Este nuevo dispositivo es el primer ordenador holográfico autónomo del mundo que ejecuta Windows 10 y emplea hologramas que “nos llevarán a formas completamente nuevas de comunicarnos, crear y explorar” en el “ecosistema de realidad mixta más amplio del planeta”, según un comunicado de la empresa estadounidense.
MH es capaz de generar una imagen multidimensional visible para que el usuario perciba objetos holográficos pueden colocarse en las ubicaciones físicas elegidas o bien permanecer en un lugar específico de dónde se encuentre o en qué dirección se observe.
La realidad ha explicado la compañía, mixta, ayudará a trabajadores y empresas a interactuar con datos en tres dimensiones para ahorrar tiempo y dinero.
La directora general de MH y Windows Experiences, Lorraine Bardeen, ha añadido que esta nueva forma de trabajar permitirá”hacer cosas que, hasta ahora, parecían imposibles”, de manera “más rápida, más segura y con una mayor eficiencia”, además de crear “nuevas formas de conectar con clientes y socios”.
Microsoft anunció por primera vez la puesta en marcha de MH en enero de 2005 y comenzó a distribuirlo entre desarrolladores y clientes comerciales en Estados Unidos y Canadá el 31 de marzo de 2016.
Hasta ahora este nuevo tipo de ordenador sólo estaba disponible en una decena de naciones, de las cuales Alemania, Francia, Reino Unido e Irlanda eran las únicas europeas, pero desde el 1 de diciembre también podrá trabajarse con él en una treintena de países europeos, además de Turquía.
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Microsoft Expects to push its HoloLens AI Processor into devices
Microsoft hopes to take a dedicated AI chip that it is building into the next generation of its own HoloLens augmented-reality headset and push it in to other hardware, presumably PCs and devices constructed by other nations.
Speaking to CNBC, Microsoft’s apparatus chief Panos Panay reported the company continues to work in an AI chipset to its next production of the HoloLens, which thus far has been sold primarily to industrial partners. According to Panay, Microsoft is poised to expand earnings of their HoloLens from 10 markets to a total of 39, including 29 markets across Western Europe. (Microsoft has yet to sell the HoloLens to Russia or India, although China was part of the first 10 markets.)
Microsoft revealed that it was constructing the newest AI chipset in July, although it was unclear what functions that the chipset would manage. Microsoft said then that the more traditional approaches and devices that it sought to create a more separate chip that may be used either online or offline, although improved cloud computing fabrics.
[Further Reading: How to Reduce your TV]
Panay seemed to affirm that at the interview with CNBC. When asked whether he saw the newest AI chipset being used in different devices across Microsoft’s hardware portfolio, Panay replied, “Yes.”
Why this matters: up to now, Amazon, Apple, and Google watch AI as a significant piece of the puzzle to electricity your mobiles and home devices, but Microsoft obviously puts importance on smartening your PC, too. With Windows phones it is still around Microsoft to help encourage hardware partners such as Dell and HP. Smarter PCs will help.
HoloLens expansion indicates it is alive also
The expansion of the AI chip in addition to markets signal which the HoloLens is far from lifeless, although it can be utilised in hardware as a test bed of sorts for AI performance. That has meant that the PC, naturally, that was the very first house Microsoft’s digital assistant, for Cortana.
“We must continue to find these pieces of silicon, these chipsets that have to be developed, to deliver those sensors to life, to connect people to each other, and with their goods,” Panay additional, elaborating to the organization’s plans to deliver AI silicon to additional devices.
In the interview, Panay verified that the business not only has a internal silicon design group, but also functions in improvement with other partners and chip makers. The ASIC by way of example, in the Surface Pen, was created internally, he explained.
Just as the Surface line was designed to “break trail” and inspire other PC makers to follow suit, Microsoft plans to keep on licensing the technology it grows to other device makers. “I think of the most crucial things we do in mind and within our chip development isn’t only creating technology–we have a pencil, there is an ASIC from the pencil–for instance, that we do license out to other businesses,” Panay said. And without a doubt, the opportunity to make sure that people get the technology, make it inside Surface, and after that proliferate it to our partners and give everybody the opportunity to use is critical.”
Allowed, Microsoft also hopes to deliver Cortana and AI to smart speakers such as the Harman Kardon Invoke, competing with all the Alexa-powered Echo Dots, Google Homes, and much more.
It’s unlikely that Microsoft will cease there. Amazon recently launched the Echo Show, an Alexa-powered smart apparatus that comes with a small LCD. Two Microsoft technologies include Skype and Windows Hello. Just take the machine vision abilities of the HoloLens, set them with a speaker with a camera and LCD screen, and what have you got? Something which may be interesting.
This narrative, “Microsoft hopes to drive its HoloLens AI chip into additional devices” was originally released by PCWorld.
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Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Már itthon is kapható a Microsoft HoloLens
Újabb 29 országban vált elérhetõvé a kiterjesztett valóságos szemüveg.
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Microsoft Hololens pronto disponible europeos
Hace pocas horas atrás en el evento Microsoft Future Decoded que se desarrolla en Londres y congrega a más de 15.000 IT y ejecutivos de empresas, Microsoft anunció que Hololens pronto estará disponible en 29 mercados europeos.
Desde el lanzamiento de Hololens, las gafas de Realidad Mixta (Realidad Virtual + Realidad Aumentada), muchos fueron los clientes que comenzaron a utilizar Hololens en sus negocios para tareas colaborativas, comunicaciones, desarrollo de productos y para educación.
Aquí en Geek’s Room hace poco les comentamos cómo el equipo de diseño de Ford Motors comenzó llevar a cabo pruebas globales con estas gafas y la tecnología de realidad mixta con el objetivo de poder perfeccionar los procedimientos de diseño y poder crear vehículos más elegantes en menos tiempo.
También comentamos sobre la empresa Black Marble que a través de su aplicación tuServ para Hololens está tratando de revolucionar el trabajo policial en la escena del crimen, ayudando a la policía a investigar mucho mejor y más rápido a través de la mezcla entre objetos del mundo classic y del mundo real.
Otras empresas que están utilizando la tecnología Hololens de Realidad Mixta son Stryker, que está tratando de mejorar el proceso para diseñar salas de operaciones en hospitales y centros de cirugía y hyssenkrupp quien con esta tecnología ha podido reducir costos operacionales en forma dramática a través de asistencia remota y entrenamiento.
Ahora para ayudar a la creciente demanda de soluciones de Realidad Mixta alrededor del mundo, es que Hololens pronto estará presente en 29 mercados europeos, los que sumados a en los que actualmente, serán 39 mercados.
Hasta ahora Microsoft Hololens está disponible en Australia, Canadá, China, Francia, Alemania, Irlanda, Japón, Nueva Zelanda, el Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos (incluido Puerto Rico).
A partir del 1 de diciembre de 2017, HoloLens estará disponible en los siguientes países: Países Bajos, Noruega, Suiza, Austria, Suecia, Dinamarca, Italia, España, Bélgica, Finlandia, Luxemburgo, Polonia, Liechtenstein, Islandia, Estonia, República Checa, Letonia, Eslovaquia , Lituania, Rumania, Hungría, Portugal, Bulgaria, Turquía, Croacia, Grecia, Malta, Chipre y Eslovenia.
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Microsoft brengt Hololens naar de Benelux
Vanaf is de, de Hololens ook in de Benelux verkrijgbaar, van Microsoft. Het Amerikaanse bedrijf brengt zijn bril in 29 nieuwe …
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Monday, 6 November 2017
Microsoft HoloLens à la conquête de l’Europe
Microsoft déploie boy casque de réalité mixte HoloLens dans près de 30 pays supplémentaires en Europe.
HoloLens sera désormais disponible dans 39 pays à travers le monde, y compris en Belgique, au Danemark, en Italie et en Espagne, alors que Microsoft essaie de vendre aux entreprises l’idée que le casque peut supporter de nouvelles et meilleures façons de travailler.
Microsoft estime que l’un des principaux atouts de HoloLens pour les entreprises est sa capacitéà permettre aux pros d’aider à distance les techniciens travaillant sur le terrain, en utilisant la capacité de HoloLens à superposer des informations numériques dans le champ de vision du porteur.
Recevoir des instructions à space, mais pas que
La société d’ascenseurs ThyssenKrupp a testé l’utilisation de HoloLens pour les ingénieurs à effectuer la upkeep. HoloLens permet à un ingénieur, à distance via une caméra sur HoloLens, et d’annoter objets du technicien exemple pour mettre en évidence les composants à réparer.
Essaiutilisant HoloLens pour communiquer avec un collègue pour la première fois a de résoudre une erreur qui prendrait normalement deux heures – ou même nécessiterait la autre ingénieur sur location – en 20 minutes.
À l’heure actuelle, cette fonction d’instruction à space repose sur Skype avec HoloLens. Mais pour faciliter entreprises, Microsoft utilisera à partir du premier trimestre 2018 un style à space through Microsoft Teams et Azure Active Directory.
À space, Microsoft espère également voir HoloLens jouer un rôle dans la formation des employés et dans des espaces réels, ainsi que dans la facilitation de la collaboration des travailleurs à space lors des réunions.
S’exprimant lors de la conférence Future Decoded directrice générale de Windows et HoloLens de grandes entreprises, dont Saab Lowes et le Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la Nasa.
Bardeem a également annoncé que HoloLens avait passé des tests d’impact de base pour les lunettes de protection aux Etats-Unis et en Europe, et que des accessoires pour le seraient disponibles à partir du début de prochaine.
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Microsoft bring HoloLens at 29 neue Märkte in Europa
LONDON (IT-Times) – Microsoft bleibt mit seinem Virtual Reality (VR) Headset HoloLens weiter auf Expansionskurs und bringt die Datenbrille in weitere Länder Europas.
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Sunday, 5 November 2017
Microsoft’s HoloLens AI Processor could make its way to other Apparatus
The dedicated AI processor Microsoft is working on for the next model of HoloLens might also make its way into different devices.
Microsoft lately revealed that the next version of its HoloLens headset will pack its own dedicated AI chip. But it seems like the firm may have bigger plans for its custom made chipset, such as an advancement to additional apparatus.
In a meeting with CNBC, Panos Panay, Microsoft’s corporate vice president of apparatus, confirmed that the organization is still hard at work around the chipset for HoloLens. When pressed on whether he expects that the chipset Panay answered in the positive. Growing further, Panay stated its AI processor may also be licensed out to spouses.
“I think among the most essential things that we do in Surface and within our processor advancement is… the opportunity to be sure we receive the technologies made within Surface and then proliferate it with our spouses and give everyone the opportunity to use it,” explained Panay.
Microsoft clarified an AI chip within an HoloLens 2’s goal will be to include dedicated horsepower such as image and voice recognition for tasks. That has the potential to open HoloLens up to some capabilities and processing without having to send data off .
After HoloLens, we can find these capabilities added such as PCs built by Microsoft and partners such as Dell and HP. In addition, it is intriguing that HoloLens is operating as a kind of testing ground for this particular venture. It will be intriguing to find out what other kinds of features might eventually spread to different parts of the hardware lineup of Microsoft from HoloLens.
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HoloLens bald auch in der Schweiz erhältlich
Im Rahmen der Future Decoded hat Microsoft heute at London bekannt gegeben, dass die Microsoft HoloLens hairless in 29 weiteren Europäischen Märkten verfügbar…
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Microsoft HoloLens sbarca Italia compresa, in 29 paesi!
Microsoft, tramite un post sul proprio site ufficiale, segnala la disponibilità del proprio visore HoloLens in 29 nuovi mercati europei, tra questi trov…
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Microsoft’un Lock gerçeklik gözlüğü HoloLens, Türkiye’ye geliyor
Yaklaşık 3 yıl önce karşımıza çıkan Microsoft’un Lock gerçeklik gözlüğü HoloLens, ülkemizde dahil olmak üzere toplamda 29 ülkede satışa çıkıyor.
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Thursday, 2 November 2017
Las gafas Microsoft HoloLens llegan a España
A partir del 1 de diciembre estarán disponible en España y otros veintiocho países, que se suman a los diez mercados actuales.
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