Saturday, 31 March 2018

Microsoft rilascia la Insider Build Preview 17133 di Windows 10 e la HoloLens RS4 Preview

Anche oggi, 27 marzo, Microsoft ha rilasciato una nuova Preview di Windows 10 Redstone 4 each PC e pill computer. Si tratta della Construct 17133, che alcune voci e indiscrezioni indicano come la Release To Manufactor (RTM) di Spring Creators Update (Dona Sarkar non ne fa menzione in questo post).

Di certo sappiamo che la data di rilascio della versione finale mobile stabile di Windows 10 Redstone 4, il 10 aprile, è sempre più vicina e per questo la Build Preview in questione porta solo gli ultimi affinamenti, quelli che potete leggere nell’elenco qui sotto:

  • We also fixed a problem leading to certain devices with BitLocker enabled unexpectedly booting into BitLocker recovery in late flights.
  • We also fixed a problem leading to not having the ability to modify the display resolution when you can find 4 or more monitors connected, because of the verification prompt hanging once you chosen “Keep changes”.
  • We also fixed a problem where clicking indicated search terms when typing from the Microsoft Edge URL pub didn’t do anything.

Oltre alla sopracitata Construct Preview di Windows 10 each PC e pill, Microsoft ha anche rilasciato la HoloLens RS4 Preview (Construct  17123) che porta, tra l’altro, le seguenti caratteristiche:

  • Auto-placement of 2D and 3D articles on launch
  • Fluid app manipulation
  • File Explorer

Per maggiori dettagli e per le istruzioni su come installare questo aggiornamento di HoloLens, recatevi a questo indirizzo.

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Hey, dai un’occhiata a queste strepitose offerte di Amazon

L’articolo Microsoft rilascia la Insider Build Preview 17133 di Windows 10 Quotation la HoloLens RS4 Preview proviene da Windowsteca Blog.

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微软开始 HoloLens 系统 Redstone 4 更新测试 — 下1个好软件

微软 HoloLens 自 Windows 10 周年更新以来并没有收到过重大系统更新,这次微软开始了 HoloLens 运行系统的 Redstone 4 更新测试,版本号是 Build 17123。 你只要加入 Windows Insider 计划,并且用 Windows

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Thursday, 29 March 2018

Microsoft ISV Innovation Breakfast — HoloLens

Partnerblog – Informationen für Microsoft Partner zu Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, Lösungen, Lizenzierung, Trainings, Marketing, Veranstaltungen und dem Microsoft Partner Network. –

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Microsoft releases Windows 10 RS4 Preview update for HoloLens with several new features

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Feenstra — HoloLens Smarthome Program

Dit jaar bestaat Feenstra 70 jaar. Dit gaan ze vieren met een klantendag & een groot personeelsfeest. Tijdens deze evenementen wil Feenstra de HoloLens gebruiken om bezoekers van een impressie te geven hoe Mixed Truth ingezet kan worden in de installatiebranche.

Over Feenstra

Feenstra is een landelijk installatie- en van cv-ketels, beveiligingsinstallaties. Zo zorgt de onderneming voor veiligheid, warmte en een gezond leefklimaat in de woningen van haar klanten. De grootste activiteit is het installatie- en onderhoudsbedrijf voor verwarmingsinstallaties van woningbezitters en huurders van woningcorporaties. Feenstra onderhoudt ongeveer 350.000 installaties in de particuliere markt en bijna 500.000 installaties in de huurdersmarkt. Ook verzorgt Feenstra onderhoud en plaatsing van zonne-energiesystemen, van mechanische ventilatiesystemen. De beveiligingstak maakt het plaatje compleet satisfied beveiligingssystemen voor ongeveer 30.000 klanten en een professionele meldkamer waar ook andere beveiligingsbedrijven gebruik van maken.

Over Smarthome

Klanten vragen steeds meer support en gemak. Dat kan onder andere geregeld worden door de verwarming en huiselijke aangelegenheden te automatiseren. Want onder de noemer Internet Of Things (IoT) kunnen ook cv-ketels en zonnepanelen communiceren en data leveren. Op basis daarvan kan Feenstra gerichte actie ondernemen om storingen voor te zijn of tijdig onderhoud te plegen. Niet vreemd dus dat digitalisering in de strategie van Feenstra een prominente rol vervult. Onder leiding van program manager Nico van Zanten is de onderneming afgelopen jaar gestart met het opzetten van een IoT-architectuur voor het op afstand beheren van cv-ketels en installaties. “Ons doel is om te komen tot een IT-platform dat information uit verschillen- de soorten installaties en systemen verzamelt, bewerkt en interpreteert zodat Feenstra gerichte actie kan ondernemen. Dit helpt ons ook om het klantcontact op een information gedreven en betrouwbare manier persoonlijker maken.”

Het concept

Visualiseer de toekomst van een onderhoudsmonteur door de inzet van Mixed Truth. Gebruik de Hololens als bril waarmee een monteur alle relevante informatie tot zijn beschikking heeft tijdens zijn onderhoudswerk aan een ketel. De bril herkent deze ketel en toont relevante informatie over deze ketel. Tijdens het werken aan/met deze ketel wordt de expertise gevraagd van een andere Feenstra monteur d.m.v. Skype.

De opdracht

Bekijk de mogelijkheden van de Mixed Truth

  • Het maken van een Hololens app
  • Waarmee we verschillende databronnen kunnen ontsluiten en representeren aan de brildrager;
  • Die informatie toont aan de monteur dat er iets is in de ketel nagekeken moet worden;
  • Waarin de mogelijkheid bestaat om een skype telephone te doen waar een expert op afstand wordt ingebeld;
  • Waar de ingebelde monteur aanwijzingen geeft (met tekst en/of visueel) voor het samen oplossen van de eventuele problemen;
  • Die te gebruiken is voor presentatie aan derden zodat de brildrager zelf kan ervaren welke mogelijkheden deze Mixed Truth oplossing biedt.


Op basis van Unity is een Hololens applicatie gemaakt rondom de volgende gebruikers flow:

  • De Hololens brildrager kijkt met de bril naar de ketel
  • Op de ketel staat een unieke code (Vuforia) QR code
  • De ketel wordt herkent en d keteldata wordt getoond rondom de ketel
  • De keteldata bestaat uit smarthome information (IOT data), meta-data & klant data
  • De ketel meta-data is een overzicht van de harde data (kind, bouwjaar, bekende storingen, FAQ, gebruikershandleiding, movie etc.)
  • Naast deze data wordt de fictieve klantdata getoond. De klantdata bestaat o.a. uit: NAW gegevens, contactgegevens, service contract, klant contact historie etc..
  • Na analyse van de data kan de monteur d.m.v. skype een andere monteur bellen die meekijkt en aanwijzingen geeft om de ketel te onderzoeken.

De HoloLens zelf ervaren?

Breinwave is van mening dat we op de vooravond staan van een nieuwe evolutie. Doordat de HoloLens draait op de universele Windows 10 programs is de stap naar mixed reality dichterbij dan je denkt. Zeker als je bedenkt dat de aankomende Windows versie ondersteuning gaat geven voor Paint 3D waardoor je ook op je PC zelf aan de slag kunt gaan met augmented en mixed reality.

Wil je de HoloLens zelf ervaren? Of wil je graag met de HoloLens aan de slag?  Bekijk dan de mogelijkheden van

Zij werkten mee aan deze situation


Meer weten? Neem contact op met
Ralph van der Meer

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Компания Microsoft выпустила сборку Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17123 для HoloLens

Корпорация Microsoft последние месяцы активно продвигает компьютеры, которые работают по принципу always-connected. Эти устройства могут выходить в интернет даже без Wi-Fi и долго работают без подзарядки.

Большинство компьютеров категории always-connected работают на базе процессоров Qualcomm, обычно устанавливаемых в смартфонах. Для таких устройств Microsoft выпустила операционную систему Windows 10 S. От обычной Windows 10 она отличается в основном только тем, что работает исключительно с приложениями из магазина Microsoft Store.

Владельцы компьютеров на Windows 10 S могут бесплатно перейти на обычную “десятку”, однако чипы Qualcomm всё равно с большим трудом справляются со сторонними приложениями.

Вот в чем главные преимущества ПК с функциями always-connected:

• продолжительная автономная работа;
• быстрый выход из режима сна;
• постоянное подключение к интернету, устройство принимает сообщения и электронные письма даже в режиме сна;
• отсутствие шума вентиляторов.

Компьютеры категории always-connected во многом сопоставимы с увеличенными смартфонами, на которые установлена почти полноценная Windows 10.

Много ли у такого гибрида явных недостатков? По сути, только один, но он очень существенный.

Все программы, кроме встроенных, работают очень медленно
Покупатель ПК категории always-connected для работы в интернете, фактически обречён запускать всё, что только возможно, в браузере Edge. Telegram, Discord и другие Windows-приложения в режиме совместимости с чипом Snapdragon жутко тормозят, поэтому оптимально запустить их веб-версии.

О Photoshop, AutoCAD и других профессиональных программах и вовсе можно забыть. Они, может, и установятся, но работать станут из рук вон плохо. То же относится и к альтернативным браузерам: прощайте закладки и расширения Chrome.

Дэн Зейферт из The Verge недавно опубликовал обзор компьютера категории always-connected, в котором поделился, в основном, позитивными отзывами. ПК серии NovaGo от mobile продержался больше 11 часов, очень быстро выходил из режима сна и шустро работал со стоковыми программами, в том числе с Edge.

Соотнося плюсы и минусы устройства, он отметил: “К слову, мне вспоминается работа с недорогим Chromebook”. Также автор на протяжении всей статьи вспоминал еще один провалившийся эксперимент Microsoft под названием Windows RT..

Внимание, вопрос: если пользователю нужен компьютер с LTE и хорошей батареей, также нет запроса на профессиональные специализированные программы, то чем iPad уступает Windows-лептопу с урезанной ОС?

Несколько слов о ценовом вопросе
В конце прошлого года старший вице-президент Microsoft Терри Майерсон написал в официальном блоге Windows о новых устройствах категории always-connected. Он порекомендовал обратить внимание на тот же ASUS NovaGo стоимостью приблизительно в 600 долларов и на HP ENVY x2 по цене от 1000 долларов.

За 470 долларов на “Яндекс.Маркете” можно найти Apple iPad (2017) c модулем для SIM-карты. При необходимости, еще от 50 до 150 долларов придётся отдать за клавиатуру, но и в ценовом вопросе Apple явно удалось обставить Microsoft. О прелестях этой замечательной модели iPad в отдельном материале рассказывал Павел Городницкий.


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Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Isprobali smo HoloLens i zavirili u budućnost miješane stvarnosti


Budućnost komunikacije? Na slici je prikazan prvi prototip Meta naočala.

Krenimo s definiranjem toga što je uopće miješana stvarnost. Nažalost, terminologija u području različitih stvarnosti trenutno je poprilično “razbacana”, tako da imamo virtualnu miješanu, proširenu, spojnu, opsežnu… stvarnost, gdje se za iste stvari koriste različiti i vrlo često krivi nazivi. Trenutno korištenje termina “miješana stvarnost” nije tehnički ispravno, već ga Microsoft koristi iz marketinških razloga kako bi se udaljio od termina proširene stvarnosti.

Najjednostavnije pojašnjeno: dok s naočalama virtualne stvarnosti ne vidite stvarni svijet oko sebe, nego isključivo vidite digitalnu sliku, dotle u miješanoj stvarnosti vidite stvarni svijet oko sebe s digitalnim predmetima smještenima u pravoj stvarnosti. Dakle, možete miješanu stvarnost zamisliti kao tehnologiju iza popularne igre Pokémon GO — na steroidima.

Kratka povijest HoloLensa

Kad se govori o naočalama miješane stvarnosti, svi spominju tri proizvoda — jedine naočale, tajnoviti Magic Leap te Microsoftove naočale HoloLens naočale koje su prve I jedine trenutno na tržištu. No kako se Microsoft uopće našao kao predvodnik iduće potencijalne tehnološke revolucije?

Svijet gledan kroz Hololens naočale.

Svijet gledan kroz HoloLens naočale.

Prvo njihovo spominjanje nalazi se u dokumentu iz 2010. godine gdje se piše o naočalama proširene stvarnosti kodnog naziva projekt Fortaleza. U dokumentu su ove naočale opisane isključivo kao dodatak za igraću konzolu Xbox iduće generacije. No, čini se kako je Microsoft shvatio kako imaju u rukama nešto puno veće od dodatka za konzolu te je odlučio stvoriti samostalni proizvod koji se počeo pozicionirati kao temelj idućeg tehnološkog skoka. Glasine su kako je upravo Microsoftov glavni direktor Satya Nadella donio ovu odluku kad je došao na čelo tvrtke, a razlog zašto bi to učinio je jasan — Microsoft je izgubio bitku u zadnjoj tehnološkoj revoluciji s pametnim telefonima te će učiniti sve kako bi upravo on diktirao iduću revoluciju.

Tržište miješane stvarnosti little će 4 puta veće od virtualne

Koji razlog stoji iza ovakve vjere u naočale miješane stvarnosti? Možemo se vratiti na početak teksta i vidjeti usporedbu s virtualnom stvarnosti. Dok je virtualna stvarnost savršena za određene segmente poput turizma te occasion I gaming industrije, naočale virtualne stvarnosti ne možete koristiti u svakom trenu u svom danu zbog izoliranosti od stvarnog svijeta koje donose. Miješana je stvarnost logična nadogradnja na mobitele — kako vas ne otuđuje od okolnog svijeta, možete ih neprestano nositi i koristiti (u jednom trenu u budućnosti kad se neće razlikovati od bilo kojih drugih naočala). Iz tog razloga tvrtka Digi-Capital predviđa za 2020. Godinu kako će tržište proširene (I miješane) stvarnosti biti četiri puta veće od područja virtualne stvarnosti I iznositi 120 milijardi dolara.

Međutim, ne bi bilo dovoljno da su naočale samo vizualna nadogradnja na mobitel — neuspjeh naočala Google Glass upravo to dokazuje.Potencijalni uspjeh naočala miješane stvarnosti upravo leži u savršenom spoju prave I digitalne stvarnosti, gdje nećete moći vidjeti razliku između njih. U tom trenu svi ekraniu vašem domu postaju bespotrebni — zašto kupovati LCD od 100 cm kad vam cijeli zid može postati ekran?

Prva upotreba miješane stvarnosti već se danas vidi u različitim poslovnim sektorima poput medication, arhitekture, logistike, strojarstva, edukacije, znanosti… U Delta Realityju trenutno radimo na proizvodu za komunikaciju gdje ćete imati osjećaj kako se sugovornik s drugog kraja svijeta nalazi u prostoriji zajedno s vama. Miješana stvarnost dat će nam upravo takve nove komunikacijske mogućnosti gdje vaša lokacija više napokon neće biti bitna. I ovo povezivanje ljudi na nove načine little će dio miješane stvarnosti — Pokémon GO je samo jedan od primjera.

Igre s više igrača, ali i lakša kupovina

Ali, po svim pokazateljima, igre će u ovoj stvarnosti biti puno više usmjerene d e multiplayer gdje će se vaši prijatelji digitalno pojaviti pored vas.Danas ima već mnoštvo korisnih, ali I zabavnih primjena uporabe naočala HoloLens van pojedinih industrija, koje krajnji korisnici mogu upotrijebiti –od indoor lociranja (koje vam omogućava da NAPOKON ne morate proći cijelu trgovinu kako bi našli gdje stoji PROKLETI KVASAC!!! KOME UOPĆE TREBA KVASAC I’m ZAŠTO ME ŠALJEŠ I DALJE PO NJEGA?!?!) Do igranja Portala u stvarnom svijetu. Međutim, kao I u slučaju svake tehnologije, tek kada dođe u ruke različitih developera I kreativaca, vidjet ćemo raspon područja koja će miješana stvarnost promijeniti.

Kako radi HoloLens (i kako radi tako dobro)?

Vratimo se u tome gdje smo danas I kako trenutno tehnologija izgleda I radi. Uzmimo HoloLens kao (jedini) trenutni primjer rada tehnologije. Kako su exact same naočale prozirne, dok ih nosite, vidite normalno svijet oko sebe.Digitalne predmete koji se pojave u prostoru vidite kao holograme koji su odlično prostorno pozicionirani. Upravo je ovo skoro-pa-savršeno pozicioniranje, tehnološki gledano, najveće iznenađenje HoloLens naočala. Ovakva visoka razina stabilnosti pozicioniranja jedna je od najvećih faktora u stvaranju imerzije, odnosno dojma da se predmeti uistinu nalaze u prostoru, te je iznenađujuće što se uspjelo već u ovoj fazi razvoja doći do te razine.

Takvo je pozicioniranje moguće zbog gomile senzora (standardni akcelerometar, žiroskop), od kojih je glavna stavka dubinska kamera koja može iščitavati prostor u stvarnom vremenu. Ova je tehnologija nastavak razvoja Microsoftove dubinske kamere Kinect koja se koristi kao dodatak d e Xboxu, ali je zbog svojih mogućnosti našla veliko mjesto u eksperimentalnom marketingu te umjetnosti. Upravo zbog iskustva koje imaju s dubinskim kamerama, visoko su postavili letvicu u odnosu na konkurenciju koju će biti teško doseći u ovom trenu (bar do 9. mjeseca, kad će ih Apple vjerojatno poprilično preskočiti).

Uz senzore I procesor glavna je stavka optički sustav koji “stvara” exact same holograme. Pojednostavljeno, ispred očiju se nalazi skup stakala na koji se projicira slika dajući osjećaj kako se predmeti nalaze puno dalje od očiju nego što je slika uistinu projicirana.Međutim, koliko god je optički sustav napredan i fascinantan, toliko je, uz glomaznost naočala, najveća zamjerka uski kut gledanja kroz koji možete vidjeti holograme. Ali treba se prisjetiti kako su s razlogom ovo naočale namijenjene developerima, dok se tek 2020. godine očekuju naočale od Microsofta koje će biti namijenjene prema krajnjim korisnicima.

Microsoft je već prebacio Minecraft na HoloLens

Microsoft je već prebacio Minecraft na HoloLens

Gdje su Apple, Google, Facebook?

Što nas još očekuje u budućnosti? Apple je u zadnjih nekoliko godina kupio mnogo tvrtki iz područja proširene stvarnosti (Metaio, Flyby Media, FaceShift), ali puno bitnija akvizicija je izraelske tvrtke PrimeSense od prije nekoliko godina. Kako njihova tehnologija stoji iza prvog Microsoftovog Kinecta, možemo primijetiti uzorak, kao i smjer prema kojem idu.

Uz sve ovo, Tim Cook je u zadnjih nekoliko mjeseci počeo intenzivno pričati kako je proširena stvarnost the next huge thing, nakon čega su počele I curiti informacije kako će idući iPhone biti u potpunosti orijentiran na proširenu stvarnost. Svi u industriji nestrpljivo čekamo zbog toga 9. Mjesec jer, ako im strategy za pozicioniranje proširene stvarnosti uspije, možemo kroz nekoliko godina očekivati I Appleove naočale miješane stvarnosti.

Niti Google nije daleko. Štoviše! Njihova tehnologija Tango slična je Kinectu, među prvim su investitorima u Magic Leap te, kao I Facebook, stvaraju svoj vlastiti tim specijaliziran za proširenu stvarnost, uz neke naznake da se radi upravo o naočalama miješane stvarnosti. Tako da možemo vidjeti kako najveći tehnološki igrači intenzivno ulažu u ovo područje.

No, kada će sve ovo postati svakodnevica?

Međutim, naočale miješane stvarnosti neće postati svakodnevica dok god će biti glomazne poput HoloLensa. Ali valja se prisjetiti kako smo trenutno u “BlackBerry fazi” razvoja miješane stvarnosti — treba proći još neko vrijeme kako bismo došli do prvog iPhonea. A cilj je doći do naočala koje se neće razlikovati od svakodnevnih naočala koje svi nose I koje će biti spoj naočala virtualne te miješane stvarnosti. Dok ste vani u pokretu, bit ćete u modu miješane stvarnosti, dok ćete se doma slobodno prepustiti mogućnostima virtualne stvarnosti.

Upravo je o ovakvoj budućnosti Mark Zuckerberg pričao na Facebookovoj konferenciji F8 2016, a kupivši naočale virtualne stvarnosti Oculus Rift za two milijarde dolara, Zuck je pokazao kako Facebook postaje I ozbiljni hardverski spreman za iduće tehnološke korake.

A i Mark Zuckerberg uključio se u priču o miješanoj stvarnosti.

A I Mark Zuckerberg uključio se u priču o miješanoj stvarnosti.

I tu se vraćamo na početak našeg članka I odnosa virtualne I miješane stvarnosti. Kao što možemo vidjeti, miješana stvarnost ima dugoročno puno veći potencijal i puno veću šansu dospjeti na lica i pred oči krajnjih korisnika. Ali kako idemo prema spoju virtualne I miješane stvarnosti u jednom uređaju, tek će d e valu prihvaćanja miješane stvarnosti I virtualna stvarnost doseći svoj puni potencijal I mjesto pod suncem.

Uglavnom, čeka nas zanimljiva budućnost I potencijalni tehnološko-civilizacijski pomak kakav nam je zadnje donio web site. Vidimo se u nekoj drugoj stvarnosti!


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Friday, 23 March 2018

How ‘Ready Player One’ Employed Microsoft’s HoloLens to Help Build Its Own VR Cinematic Universe ” HoloLens : : Next Reality



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Ford is using Microsoft’s HoloLens to Style cars in augmented reality

Microsoft’s HoloLens headset was slowly pivoting towards industrial markets over the past year. NASA, Volvo, Lowe’s, Audi, and Volkswagen are all testing HoloLens for a variety of reasons, and Ford has been expanding its use of Microsoft’s headset following an initial pilot period. Ford is utilizing HoloLens to allow designers quickly model out changes to cars, …

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Share the HoloLens Experience During MR Studio ViewPoint out of Arvizio ” HoloLens : Next Reality

HoloLens Actiongram is like Snapchat’s augmented Simple Blockers — but on steroids

Developer kits are outside in the wild for over a year now, also HoloLens comes baked with a whole lot of cool programs.

HoloLens has been Microsoft’s augmented reality head-mounted display (HMD), made to demonstrate 3D holographic programs and games.

While striking, the dev kit is not designed for consumers right now, but it doesn’t mean that Microsoft has not already started investigating what consumer-facing apps might look like to get devices that support Windows Mixed Reality.

Actiongram is one such program. It allows you to place 3D animations and special effects in the real world, in an identical fashion to the augmented face filters located on Snapchat. Actiongram has not been updated for a little while, but it’s still a stellar example of what Microsoft is capable of when it cares enough to create programs that showcase its technologies.

Actiongram demands HoloLens’ full processing capability to use, meaning multi-tasking is handicapped while its functioning. It offers you a toolbox to work with, connected with the internet, allowing you to download and place assorted 3D models, characters, and outcomes to the actual world.

A very simple air-tap and drag system is used for placing objects, together with HoloLens’ gaze pointer for a cursor. Tapping the object causes it to be animate, and you’ll be able to set up Actiongram to take records of varying lengths to make fun clips for sharing social networking or publishing to OneDrive.

This is the sort of program which would do really well on mobile platforms, in which sharing is quick and effortless. I envisage a version that runs on Windows 10 Mobile, or can be even baked right into Skype, allowing you to place effects and objects to make entertaining Snapchat-like clips for both sharing and interacting with friends.

I doubt Microsoft has some intentions to flip Actiongram to a “thing,” but it’s a excellent demonstration of what’s theoretically possible with Windows Mixed Reality. This form of program might help democratize special effects for live action video, which has generally been limited to high-end film studios or expensive and inaccessible Windows PC programs. I’m not suggesting that the next Hollywood blockbuster will have particular effects through Unity3D around HoloLens, but it could be a fun tool for amateurs, in education, or creating storyboards for later generation.

Begging for sequels through HoloLens FTW. @XboxP3 @InsomniacGames

— Jez C (@JezCorden) 4 July 2017

You have to imagine that any prospective “Surface Phone” may have some form of Mixed Reality features, hopefully we’ll see a lot of the “fun” HoloLens programs find life outside dev kits in the long run.

See HoloLens in Microsoft Store

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Thursday, 22 March 2018

Ready Player One Employed HoloLens, Vive And Rift For Virtual Generation

Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One made use of present VR headsets including the Oculus Rift DK2 and HTC Vive to bring its future vision of VR into lifetime.

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Microsoft: 150 HoloLens Apps Developed During First Year of Entrance

A year after Microsoft began shipping its own HoloLens mixed fact headset, the company has announced a significant landmark. In a statement today, the company said the product has had consistent programmer support. Really, there have been 150 apps made for your own headset.

For somebody who hasn’t followed HoloLens, I believe some perspective is needed by amount. Although it is possible for anybody to buy HoloLens when they have $3,000 lying about, the gadget is actually only in a developmental stage. The headset is not the user model that Microsoft intends to launch.

It is also worth noting that the virtual and mixed reality remains a nascent sector. It is only a fringe category, although it is forecast to explode in coming years. There’s also the small fact that Microsoft’s product is the sole mixed reality apparatus making any major splashes.

Bearing that in mind, gaining programmer support to the song of 150 programs is excellent in the best and respectable in the worst.

Marketing HoloLens

Microsoft corporate vice president of Windows and apparatus, Yusuf Mehdi dropped another statement today. He says the organization is presently creating a dedicated advertising team for HoloLens. This implies Microsoft is going to push the apparatus more in the next several years.

“We are going to ramp up our sales efforts by investing in a dedicated set of sellers and TSPs for FY18. Combined with the substantial advertising investment we are creating for this coming holiday with combined reality headsets marketed on Windows 10 PCs from the Windows 10 advertising team, we are setup to have an acceleration of our combined reality initiative”

Liz Hamren, former marketing chief in Oculus will head up the team with her expertise within this market. Finally, in addition to the 150 programs, Microsoft has also introduced a lot of services of its own. Really, the company is including the item in its own Universal Windows Platform (UWP) plans for Windows 10.

HoloLens for Consumers will be expected to arrive in 2019.

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HoloLens Gets First Porn App, the 3D Holo Girlfriend

Where media content belongs, the more adult entertainment industry follows. 3D Hologroup, an augmented reality (AR) has launched a new program named 3D Holo Girlfriend. Here is the very first ever adult-focused AR program accessible for Microsoft’s HoloLens cans.

Yes, it is every bit as pathetic as its name implies. Even the 3D Holo Girlfriend puts a 3D a version of a female to the real world via augmented reality. Currently in beta, then the program is limited to three ‘models’ but more will be included. From the beta stage, 3D Hologroup is requesting users to give feedback.

With the program running on HoloLens, users can interact with a version in their real-world, like a living area or dare we say, the bedroom. Early testing indicates the experience is sensible and will usher at the inescapable starts of AR porn.

The adult industry has always been quick to adopt new technologies. 360-degree video and model precision is good enough in AR that developers make the logical step to the technology.

3D Hologroup has collaborated with, a information website specializing in pornography in the virtual space.

Speaking of this venture,’s Scott Camball stated: “VR porn has already opened a lot of doors in terms of bringing immersive porn experiences to viewers. It’s been a terrific way to enjoy improved adult experiences, and I hope AR porn will probably follow in its footsteps, and will eventually exceed VR in the adult entertainment industry.

Augmented reality provides the adult entertainment industry a means to create a lot more creative and different interactive experiences. It’s an exciting moment for augmented reality along with the adult entertainment industry equally.”


The next step for the program is going to be to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) to the models. By way of instance, the business wants the models to interact with customers more. Yes, this will include in sensual ways. Users may also have the ability to customize models in time.


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Grâce aux HoloLens pourrons bientôt télécharger des petites amies virtuelles

Microsoft HoloLens sa dočkal prvého titulu určeného pre dospelých

HoloLens zooms past Players into Heart of innovative business – Video

In company, augmented and mixed reality creates far more awareness than virtual reality.

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Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Expand Your Phone Screen

The HoloLens includes three major inputs: voice, gaze and gesture. All these were picked by Microsoft designers to influence what the HoloLens does well and to form a solid foundation for constant interactions between programs.

However, sometimes I feel like these are blunt instruments.

If you have used the Vive, you have gotten an idea of what your six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) controller may perform to 3D interactions.

The two things pop out to me concerning the Vive controls: 1. They make user friendly interface (UI) discoverable and 2. They enable intuitive positioning for objects in 3D space.

Our most recent proof of concept uses your telephone as a 6DoF controller to place objects in 3D and edit them. One end of the telephone is used for creating new objects. The user slides the objects from the telephone display into 3D space. Fine adjustments can be made into the placement of the item by positioning and rotating the telephone and employing the display to slide off the block of the display at specific location.

The opposite end of the telephone has a different tool utilized for changing the color of the cube you have created. After the color dropper is set against a cube, a color wheel has been displayed, employing the HoloLens to expand the telephone’s display. After the user drags up and down on the telephone display, the color wheel spins, and the block’s colors vary.

Employing a controller breaks among the design rules specified by Microsoft, mainly that interactions ought to be a comfy 1.5 meters from the consumer. This recommendation is designed to decrease eye pressure, but also can help make sure that the items the user is interacting with stay inside the framework. However, there will undoubtedly be use cases that gain from controls.

Additionally, there are a good deal of interesting things we could do with a 6DoF controller that also includes a touchscreen. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Draw a curved line in your telephone, then extrude it by swiping your phone through distance
  • Pull 3D things into your phone GhostBusters style
  • Render a piece plane in your telephone when it intersects with a 3D object

This is, clearly, only a tool, and it needs a community to make it work. So what would you do for this? Tweet us

UPDATE: UploadVR expended with this article:


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Hololens used in Creation of Ready Player One

Now You Can save up to $217 on select   Surface Laptop versions from Microsoft Store Spain. The Surface Laptop gives the ideal balance of portability and performance. At only 2.76 pounds, …

Fitbit has a sale in their fitness trackers, offering discounts as heavy as $50 in their most expensive versions. The timing is of course opportune, partly on account of this post-holiday hea…

Samsung’s 850 EVO collection SSD is the No.1 selling SSD on the industry at the moment. It’s powered by Samsung’s V-NAND technology with up to 540MB/s and 520MB/s sequential Read/Write pe…

Microsoft Store on the web today kicked off its Countdown to 2018 sale. It is possible to get huge discounts on favorite apps, latest games, films and TV. Locate the deals that are available below. Xbox Di…

In the summer Oculus announced a price drop for their Oculus Rift headset taking it to an incredible $399 for the headset and controllers, approximately half of the launch cost of the bundle before …

Microsoft Store’s annual 12 Days of Deals promotional effort has started today. Microsoft Store will announce a new bargain every day at midnight ET via Dec. 17 — featuring goods from …

Microsoft Store UK’s Black Friday deals are now live and you’re able to get discounts on newest Surface apparatus, Xbox games consoles, Windows PCs, accessories and more. You will be able to save …

It is possible to save as much as 30% on select SanDisk memory products in the Amazon as part of their Deal of the Day advertising. This sale includes lot of hot SanDisk products such as  SanDisk Ultra 1…

Now you can get huge discounts on popular laptops as part of their Lenovo Black Friday 2017. If you are seeking a mainstream laptop, have a look at the Ideapad 720s that comes with premium fulfilled…

HP, the No.1 PC OEM in the world is now running their biggest sale of 2017 as part of their Black Friday promotions. You will be able to find incredible deals on HP laptops, desktopsand monitors,…

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First Adult title comes to the Microsoft HoloLens

You can now save $217 on select   Surface Laptop models from Microsoft Store Spain. The Surface Laptop gives the ideal balance of performance and portability. At just 2.76 lbs, …

Fitbit has a sale on their exercise trackers, offering discounts as deep as $50 on their most expensive models. The timing is of course opportune, partly because of the post-holiday hea…

Samsung’s 850 EVO collection SSD is the No.1 selling SSD in the industry at this time. It’s powered by Samsung’s V-NAND technology with up to 540MB/s and 520MB/s successive Read/Write pe…

Microsoft Store online today kicked off its Countdown to 2018 sale. It is possible to get enormous discounts on favorite apps, latest games, videos and TV. Find the deals which are offered below. Xbox Di…

In the summer Oculus announced a price drop for their Oculus Rift headset taking it into an astonishing $399 to the headset and controls, approximately half of the launch cost of the bundle before …

Microsoft Store’s annual 12 Days of Deals promotional effort has started today. Microsoft Store will announce a fresh deal daily at midnight ET via Dec. 17 — featuring products from …

Microsoft Store UK’s Black Friday deals are now live and you’ll be able to get discounts on latest Surface devices, Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, accessories and more. You’ll have the ability to save …

You can save up to 30% on select SanDisk memory products in the Amazon as part of the Deal of the Day promotion. This sale contains lot of popular SanDisk products such as  SanDisk Ultra 1…

You can now become enormous discounts on popular notebooks as part of the Lenovo Black Friday 2017. If you’re interested in a mainstream notebook, have a look at the Ideapad 720s which comes with premium fulfilled…

HP, the No.1 PC OEM on earth is presently running their main purchase of 2017 as part of the Black Friday promotions. You’ll have the ability to find amazing deals on HP notebooks, desktopsand monitors,…

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Microsoft demonstra Because vantagens do seu óculos de realidade aumentada HoloLens

A Microsoft apresentou os seus óculos de realidade aumentada — Hololens — durante a conferência Construct 2015.

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Monday, 19 March 2018

Microsoft HoloLens: The Combined reality is finding fans at the hard hat gang

Video: Elevator repair gives Microsoft HoloLens a lift

Aviad Almagor is manager of this mixed-reality app in the property survey and construction firm Trimble, which has been working with Microsoft on Hololens.

Almagor worked with an architect in California that had been presenting the redesign of this deserted Packard plant in Detroit in the Venice Biennale design festival in Italy.

“It’s a project that’s half a mile long, it has got pretty intricate geography; it is in many segments, all of which are complex spaces,” explained Almagor. “With mixed reality, you are able to move in the tabletop scale perspective, which helps you understand the connections between various segments in the project, to full immersive perspective in one to one scale, which means you can physically walk through the design and find out the way the visitor will experience the design. Moving between the two handed them a great view of how the design was progressing”

Utilizing HoloLens let architect Greg Lynn test out ideas and immediately see what impact they would have during the giant structure, rather than having to wait weeks to make those decisions.

Being able to experience a space liberally is also useful for working in harsh environments where you don’t wish to spend a lot of time on website, like open pit mines.

Trimble is working with partners like Caterpillar to put sensors and scanners onto mining gear to have a thorough 3D perspective of the mine construction, and also the locations of the machinery for monitoring and planning.

“No-one wants to be in the mine. It’s much better if it is possible to monitor it in a remote place, which improves safety,” explained Almagor.

“If you take the 3D geometry along with the detector information and include mixed reality, you receive a solution which permits the mining engineer to sit down in their workplace, which could be tens of miles apart from the authentic mine and then visualise the true mine almost in real time.

“You are able to visualise the geometry of the mine in tabletop scale or you’ll be able to jump into the immersive view and actually be inside the mine. It is possible to see changes in the slopes of these walls in addition to the advancement of mining task. You can visualise the machinery almost in real time. You can visualise the blast holes , or see where substances are obtained from and where they’re stored. The engineering data you need to efficiently deal with the mine is there in reality”

What Trimble calls a ‘materials rainbow’ arches wherever the material will be mined to where it is stored. The mining engineer can also replay the motions of mining gear to check if operators are subsequent processes properly, or if there is a more efficient means to do things.

The mining system features similar benefits to those architects are visiting from HoloLens, he states: “It’s all about visualisation, communications and collaboration — co-located.”

Almagor also pointed out that building those kind of adventures is getting easier. When Trimble began attracting HoloLens and Sketchup to design and engineering companies, they needed to run multiple pilot programs and supply support services to help them fit in their workflow.

They will still offer you those if required, “but now we have clients purchasing them as a commercial alternative,” states Almagor. “They buy the software along with the HoloLens plus they don’t need us”

Authoring is getting easier thanks to tools like PTC’s ThingWorx Studio MR as well as the brand new Simplygon rendering service on Azure. ThingWorx Studio is a web app which allows you build 3D scenes (such as HoloLens or mobile AR) by dragging and dropping existing CAD models, connecting them into detector data and adding voice and gesture controls for interacting with all these models. Simplygon can significantly lower the file size of 3D resources and still keep the fidelity to get HoloLens.

Personal and collaborative

KPMG’s analytics and data group is employing a HoloLens app for information visualisation in the Insights Center in Frankfurt where it presents groups of corporate executives in its Fortune 500 customers.

The 3D visualisations could show more measurements of information and ensure it is much easier to understand, and the entire group can view them at once. The HoloLens system will soon visit KPMG Insight Centers in Hong Kong, London, Paris, and New York later this year.

Having the ability to collaborate is important in consumer scenarios also, and it is something HoloLens enables rather greater than a VR headset, and it can be much more isolating.

“Yes, I can design my kitchen in VR, but I can’t interact with the sales associate while I’m doing this. They want the client to be actively working together to make design decisions,” says Forrester analyst J P Gownder.

That is much easier to do when you’re able to see who you’re speaking to, rather than only in a store.

“Anywhere where you have interactivity involving multiple employees that are together in a true space, performing 3D visualisation is possible in VR but it’s more desirable in mixed reality. There’s still something about the social component of working together that mixed reality is going to be better because you need to have that social interaction”

The matter with that type of 3D design system is getting the 3D resources for all of the parts and elements that you want to show; Gownder cites an online furniture retailer which conveys many thousands of different products but only has high excellent 3D designs for several 15,000 of them.

Architects and engineers that are designing jobs in 3D within their own CAD systems have an edge because they could reuse those resources for virtual and mixed reality advertisements. Some high-end condo developers selling off units off plan are already utilizing 3D walkthroughs.

Other interesting HoloLens programs are still coming. CLAIRITY is testing its augmented reality SmartBinocular air traffic management system in Budapest International Airport, along with a HoloLens version called HoloTower is in evolution.

UK police forces are looking at Dark Marble’s TuServ command and control center, which lets the officers co-ordinating a significant incident view info in multiple, virtual displays, according to the provider. Officers in those drives already utilize the mobile TuServ app to capture event reports and signs on tablets and phones and that feeds right into the command and control interface, alongside maps and other relevant details. “HoloLens is expensive, but a control and control room which you simply use a few times a year is much more expertise,” points out Rob Hancock, Black Marble’s development manager.

Where HoloLens really shines is in circumstances where you have no other means of viewing something 3D. Professor Mark Griswold of Case Western Reserve University, which is teaching medical students body with HoloLens, states that despite being spent decades studying MRIs of the human mind “I never really understood their 3D arrangement until I saw them in HoloLens.”

And one geologist in NASA told Gownder who “he learned more in a week with HoloLens than that he had in six months with 2D vision”.

Present and related coverage

The Glass-like eyewear from the venerable notebook pioneer relies on a wearable PC for a selection of field jobs, from warehousing to maintenance. It can even begin a video chat for remote aid. But overlaying fancy images necessitates looking into the future.

HoloLens will now be available in 39 countries globally, such as Belgium, Denmark, Italy and Spain.

Microsoft’s next-generation Holographic Processing Unit, currently in progress, will include a coprocessor for executing deep-neural networks.

A brand new AR/VR simulator from Honeywell uses Microsoft HoloLens to help train industrial workers and might even assist firms in closing the skills gap.

Mix reality tech will improve global collaboration and cut development times.


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Microsoft Documents a Mixed Truth Wand Tool patent Because of its HoloLens

Image Courtesy: Microsoft is presently working on a Mixed Truth Generator instrument because of its HoloLens. The business has filed a patent which reveals a simple, lengthy, hand held device. The device also includes a cause plus a finger guard button. The unit is similar to other digital reality controls which are available currently …

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Ford Utilizing ‘HoloLens’ To Alter Design Process

Ford Motor Company has invested the previous year pilot analyzing a cutting edge part of Microsoft hardware to speed up the process of designing new automobiles and trucks, and to unlock more possible for sharing and collaborating in real time. The hardware — a powerful “mixed reality” headset called “HoloLens” — is currently prepared to be deployed by Ford design teams throughout the world and made an official part of the automaker’s validation process.

What’s “Mixed Reality”?

“Mixed reality” is a technology that makes a hybridized fact by combining objects real and virtual, where matters from both realms can socialize in real time.

If this sounds a bit overly sci-fi, let us break it down. Mixed reality consists of 2 components: “augmented reality”, and a thing called “augmented virtuality”. Augmented reality that you may already be familiar with if you’ve played Pokemon Go; it’s a technology which superimposes computer-rendered objects over real-world visuals, creating a composite view for the consumer. Augmented virtuality takes that mix perspective a step further, letting real life objects to be integrated into the digital world. For our purposes, you can feel free to consider this “fortified reality-plus”.

Microsoft’s HoloLens combined fact hardware is a headset which suspends a pair of translucent display screens before the user’s eyes, onto which virtual objects are all rendered in 3D. A pair of speakers sits above the ears to get audio integration, and the headset is really capable of exact mind tracking and gesture recognition using integrated cameras and other detectors. Best of all, it’s truly portable, with all the essential calculating being done from the headphone (powered by Windows 10), without any external cables or detectors required.

How It Helps Speed Up Vehicle Design

Imagine a world where automakers do not need to use the antiquated process of modeling designs from clay to feel their ideas.

Ford is not there yet; no large automaker is. However, Microsoft’s HoloLens combined fact headset performs a similar role to clay versions, enabling Ford to explore different design features from a “customer perspective,” inside a real-world space. New automobile fascias could be modeled using computer applications, mapped onto an present automobile or clay version; distinct variations could be hammered, and scrolled through and analyzed by numerous staff members.

In a press release, Ford employs the example of grille designs; in which now, it can take days or months to study a single, HoloLens enables engineers and designers to experience several iterations in only hours. It isn’t only exterior features, possibly; entire vehicle interiors can be rendered and researched to ensure proper ergonomics and visibility.

With the magic of the world wide web, a designer at North America could sit in the drivers seat of the digital cockpit joined by a colleague at Australia, India, or anyplace around the globe from the passengers seat; engineers and designers throughout the world can study the exact same design collectively, in real life.

Technological Progress

In reality, Ford has been using some form of mixed or augmented reality in product development for a while. Considering that 2014, “immersive” reviews of manufacturing vehicles using similar technologies are a requirement any time the automaker was planning a change the customer could see. Several years before, in 2004, Ford Virtual Reality and Advanced Visualization Tech Specialist Elizabeth Baron claims the automaker ran virtual testing of this first-generation Ford GT supercar using whatever relatively crude hardware and applications were also available.

That system utilized magnetic tracking, meaning when Ford constructed a cockpit for farming simulation, they could not utilize any material. So, they had it built from mahogany.

“HoloLens enables a complete team of folks to collaborate, share and expertise ideas collectively,” Ms. Baron claims of the company’s most recent virtualization hardware. “Mixing virtual and physical versions is enjoyable, since it helps our engineers and designers communicate effectively and ideate to see what the future resembles sooner in the process. This permits excellent freedom and efficacy of how prototypes are made or altered.”


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Microsoft revealed the HoloLens augmented-reality headset

Microsoft HoloLens revealedMicrosoft HoloLens :’s HoloLens Demo at Construct 2015 : https://youtu

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Atheer Release Augmentor For Microsoft Hololens, Bringing New Solutions To Industrial Issues — VRFocus

Anyone who’s worked in a busy creative or industrial environment is going to learn that communication with your team is vital. Who’s tackling that jobs, just how far each would be to end and a lot of more smaller facets of projects that need micromanagement and outstanding communication, and it can be difficult when you’re wrapped up into your endeavors. Of course, that’s exactly where firms like Atheer get involved, as they can introduce fresh augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies in order to enhance and revolutionise our active work flows.

Case in point; Atheer have collaborated with Design Interactive to launch a brand new app, Augmentor, which should help speed up and modernise work flows for businesses around the world, utilizing Microsoft Hololens head-mounted displays (HMDs) and Atheer’s award winning AiR Enterprise technologies.

The newest Augmentor app will help employees troubleshoot in AR, and also utilize smart eyeglasses to connect your physical and electronic workspaces. A web console can be used to upgrade team on jobs and development, in which the cloud based storage enables other employees to easily access and view the identical info.

Users of the technology can even livestream what they see to fellow employees or a professional, so they are sometimes given hands on guidance as they move. This speeds up the sum of troubleshooting time any 1 employee should have to undergo to complete their jobs.

The mix of Design Interactive’s software and Atheer’s AiR Enterprise technology allows procedures to be generated on the fly while in the area, or in your home with Atheer’s website portal site.

Soulaiman Itani is your chief executive officer and creator of Atheer, also he states ; “Design Interactive is actually forward looking. It has been focused on solving issues in a number of the most challenging businesses — such as heavy trucking as well as the military. It is Design Interactive’s insight from these applications that makes this connection so reassuring.”

Layout Interactive’s CEO Kay Stanney also has good things to say, stating; “We’re excited about the venture Atheer affords. What makes Atheer so appealing is not only their software, but their hardware experience. Software is made by competitors. However, in Atheer, we found a partner who has developed AR hardware and truly understands the entire AR ecosystem which brings value to your Customer.     That’s just unmatched in the marketplace.”

The item will be found in the Truck Maintenance Council trade show and exhibit in Atlanta, GA, on March 5th. Let us know what you think of the newest technologies in the opinions below, and stay on VRFocus for all of the most recent AR news.

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Sunday, 18 March 2018

Hololens Super Mario Bros.. Looks Dangerously Fun

Designer Abhishek Singh made a first-person augmented reality version of Super Mario Bros.’ first level, which is very cool. Then he dressed up as Mario to test his invention at New York City’s Central Park. That is the dangerous piece.

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Saturday, 17 March 2018

Microsoft Admits Windows 10 Presents and Highlights HoloLens

HoloLens — Development Begins

I finally received my HoloLens DevKit a couple of days ago and I am dismissed. Its a marvelous piece of hardware and applications especially for being a 1st version Developer Device. The applications of this technology are unlimited and the future appears very bright. Https:// to comprehend the fundamental concepts of Gaze, Gesture, Voice controls,…

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May Meetup: Chocolate, Tango and Hololens

Come and join us we’re bringing with the engaged group of augmented and mixed reality programmers, entrepreneurs and founders. Meet with the community, ask questions regarding the devices from working programmers, and attempt new demos until they reach the marketplace.

Thursday May 4th at 6:30pm


May 4th at Upload LA (4505 Glencoe Avenue, Marina Del Rey, CA)

By 6:30 into 10:00pm


RSVP early! We’ll have drinks, wine and beer, as well as snacks and the famed Hololens Chocolate (limited quantity).

This month, our meetup will be at a new location: Upload LA ( It Is a coworking space focused on AR and VR.


This month, our first speaker is now Philippe Lewicki.

Discussion: The way to build enjoyable mixed reality experiences with the Hololens.

Philippe will take us throughout the journey of creating the exact successful Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt. He’ll explain the process used to produce the experience, the user flow, continuous user viewing, optimising content production and overcoming mixed fact technical challenges.
The Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt was a 1 time experience created for VRLA, in partnership with Microsoft.

The encounter brought in 3-hour extended traces, received positive comments and was featured on Mashable, VRScout, Cnet, and NBC.


Hololens: Mixed Reality Easter Egg Hunt:
This is going to be a watered down version, because the great collection is now gone. However, in case you missed it, this can provide you with an idea away how it looked inside.

Tango: Mixed Truth reside Previz
For place design together with the Tango

Surprise demo

If you have what you wish to demonstration, please hit out.

Previous Meetup:

VR variant:

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Seeing a Fresh reality that is augmented Together with Microsoft HoloLens

Augmented reality will freak out you or be fantasy come true. Google Glass may have started the ball rolling, but arguably the most exciting example of the technology is Microsoft’s HoloLens, that creates a sci-fi universe around you when you slide  on its magic visor.

The HoloLens looks a bit like a pair of  modern, flashy snow goggles, attached to some thick vinyl headband. Unlike virtual reality technologies (like Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear and HTC Vive), that display   artificial environments for you to research, Microsoft’s augmented reality equipment  adds digital, holographic elements to the real world over you, between your sofa and your desk, in your kitchen floor or on top of your desk.

To put it simply, in your mind with a HoloLens, you will find 3D objects.

Unsurprisingly, Microsoft hopes that it will be the next huge thing in computing. And gambling. And communication. And layout. The goggles are connected. It has lenses, tiny projectors and detectors that will track your motion.

When you utilize a HoloLens apparatus, a touchscreen display seems right in front of you, while you still find the actual world about you. This screen can   contain of various  digital objects — Minecraft cubes, for instance, or even a 3D object you’re designing, or perhaps a Skype conversation or a picture.

The augmented reality glasses are intended to track head movements, so you simply turn to whatever hologram you wish to concentrate on. To pick or interact with that object, you use your hand or your finger to “AirTap”, a motion similar to prodding an invisible touchscreen.

So that you point your mind at something, for example a virtual Skype program, place your hand facing   you and also tap on which ever contact you need to talk to. The photograph below gives you an idea of this user interface functions.

Microsoft enabled some journalists in their lab to reveal precisely what HoloLens is really capable of. They encouraged  them to repair a light turn using some real life tools plus a socket with exposed wiring. They all needed to do is set on the HoloLens goggles and also call an engineer to show them how.

The engineer looked on a digital screen and helped them out by drawing virtual notes on top of the exposed wiring. The engineer advised them through the full process, pointing out exactly what to do with which wire, almost as if he was standing in the room beside them.

This form of joined, augmented reality experience is precisely where a new world starts — an astonishing mix of fantasy and reality. Because if it’s possible to repair a light turn this way, what else is possible? At Microsoft’s HoloLens demonstration, they also  revealed those journalists about on Mars, although they had been sitting in a normal room.

“The software [they used], that will be named OnSight, will mimic the environment that Curiosity sees with information which the rover accumulated on Mars,” explained “This will allow program scientists to inspect the environment as though they were standing together with the rover.”

Later on, is it possible to design and create your own car without working at the workplace? Will holograms have implications for our educational, financial and health care systems or can it influence everyone’s jobs? The very first question we need to really be asking ourselves is this: Can we adapt easily to some non-existant augmented reality universe or can we reject it?

You can not touch or grab the holographic items you begin wearing HoloLens. But imagine yourself walking around with these goggles on at home. As you’re only fervently playing Minecraft on the table, your spouse walks at… To her or him, you are waving your arms about, prodding and pinching thin air. This could look a bit disturbing, especially since they will not have the ability to find out  what you’re seeing.

This new way working and playing will take some getting used to. Until this is we are all sporting HoloLenses in the future and we are all seeing the exact digital things.

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Designing HoloLens Apps For A Small FOV

In my latest VRDC discussion I spent a slip speaking about constraints of the platform. The most common complaint about HoloLens and any other AR or MR platform is the little window where the augmentations appear. This very low FOV problem is a enormous problem of physics that’s unlikely to be solved based on Moore’s Law. Get used to it. We’re likely to be stuck with it for awhile.     (Please someone prove me incorrect!))

It isn’t the end of the world. It’s only that programmers need to learn to create applications around this limitation.


Many VR applications require the consumer to look around. That’s the purpose of becoming immersed in a digital environment. Even if it’s a seated encounter, normally the player is invited to search the scene to get things to look at or interact with.

In mixed reality, the absence of peripheral vision (or anything close it) due to FOV constraints makes visually looking for objects frustrating. A quick scan of the scene won’t catch your attention something interesting, you need to appear more deliberately for stuff in the spectacle.

HoloLens’ provides a remedy for this with the course. This can be a directional indicator arrow connected to the cursor that points at the path of a targeted item.

Perhaps a more natural variant of this is used in Young Conker. The directional indicator is 3D, obviously sliding together and colliding with the environment.


Unity makes it amazingly easy to add spatial audio  into a HoloLens app. Just enable the Microsoft HRTF Spatializer plugin at the audio settings and look off “spatialize” on your positional audio sources. This is more than only a technique for immersion–the positional audio is so persuasive you can use it to direct the consumer’s attention anywhere in the environment. If the object is way out of the consumer’s view, emit a sound out of it to promote the player to look at it.


Having art break the limited FOV framework is a real problem. To a certain level, this can’t be solved–have close enough to anything and it will be large enough to go beyond the FOV’s enhancement area.


Ether Wars uses little objects to Avoid breaking the framework

This is why I design many HoloLens games to work with a lot of smaller versions rather than large game titles or objects. If the item of interest to the consumer isn’t breaking the framework, he might not notice the Remaining images are getting trimmed.     Also, Microsoft recommends maintaining the cutting airplane a few feet from the consumer–so if you’re able to design the game such that the player isn’t supposed to have close enough to the holograms, then you might be able to prevent most frame-breaking cases.


For AR/MR programmers, limited FOV is a fact of life. In enterprise apps where you’re focused on a specific task, it is not so bad. For games, most ordinary players will probably be put off if they have to wrestle a lot of with this limitation. Microsoft’s showcase games still play very well with this restriction, and reveal some creative methods of getting around it.

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Thursday, 15 March 2018

Toshiba sets Views on Microsoft HoloLens with biz-focused ‘AR’ smart glasses

PC MAKER Toshiba has introduced a set of biz-focused  assisted reality (AR) smart glasses powered by a mini Windows 10 Guru PC.  

Toshiba’s Google Glass-esque dynaEdge AR100 Head Mounted Display (HMD) pairs using a dynaEdge DE-100 Mobile Mini PC, which is basically a handheld, corded Windows 10 Pro program.

The AR100 HMD is, essentially, a reworked version of Vuzix’s M00 AR headset, complete with a 640×360 resolution eyepiece, 5MP front-facing camera, double brakes, an integrated speaker plus a number of sensors including GPS plus a three-axis accelerometer using a gyroscope for head tracking.

While Toshiba is charging the face-worn wearable because ‘AR’ device, it’s by no way as fully-fledged as Microsoft’s HoloLens.   Rather than displaying digital images overlaid onto the real world, that the AR100 offers wearers a small, landscape orientation display into their peripheral vision, like the experience offered by Google’s now-defunct Glass wearable.

To work, the A100 HMD needs to be hooked up to Toshiba’s dynaEdge DE-100 Mobile Mini PC. This pint-sized PC connects to the headset through USB-C, and it can be utilized as a traditional Windows 10 Pro device when hooked up on a typical display.

The Mobile Mini PC, which comes powered by a 6th-generation Intel Core vPro processor, is available with 4GB to 16GB of RAM, 128GB into 512GB of both SATA M.two SSD storage. It also offers 802.11ac WiFi a fingerprint reader, a microSD card slot, a headset jack, five navigation buttons and regular USB-A ports together with its USB-C connection.  

Maki Yamashita, SVP of Toshiba’s European PC and Solutions biz, stated: “We are proud to be in the forefront of their wearable-enterprise space, introducing the very first monocular Assisted Reality way to unite the power of some Windows 10 Guru PC, the strong feature set of industrial-grade smart glasses, and industry-specific workflow efficacy provided through our partnership with Ubimax.

“This combination enables us to deliver next-level efficiency and workflow optimisation to frontline workers”

Toshiba’s dynaEdge AR smart glasses will be available starting in the next quarter of 2018  from $1,900. µ


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Microsoft HoloLens Getting Strides In Health

Hololens release date 2017,hololens release date usa, microsoft hololens price

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I Attempted HoloLens, and one thing is clear: nobody is ready for mixed reality

I Attempted HoloLens, and Only thing is Obvious: nobody is ready for Blended Facts read the article on The Next Internet

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Hololens and Microsoft — Work in progress

A very odd thing happened yesterday. I met a few of my friends after work  at which I casually walked into a brief moment after  small talk I began to get bombarded with questions.   Suddenly all them began    asking me and excitedly  “Can Be HoloLens a real thing” . Expressions like “in case it does 1 percent of what they claim its amazing”   revealed the excitement this was stirring. Having worked at Microsoft 7 years at Microsoft these were questions which the seasone microsoftie would concur, are rather foreign in nature. .

I have seen an era in the past where Microsoft had set out incremental merchandise year over year. Simply improving them slightly and seeking to fill in the feature openings between its rivals. The question of “why Microsoft” became increasingly tough to answer. I might say “because it’s more amazing” or “since you are going to have greater market share”. These were responses which never made me content.

Now I find in front of me an Microsoft that’s not tied into the grips of a computer keyboard and mouse. A Microsoft that no more wishes it had been the 90’s. Now is a day have been Microsoft has broken ago is legacy notion’s and has made a decision to move into a direction where it is daring enough to get involved in the shaping of the future.

Envision, rearranging your apartments furniture simply by shifting your holographic furniture bits around. Envision, Taking apart or collaborating with friends in new jobs that in the past you possibly could not do. All this, coming at a moment when google glass was placed to sleep is crucial. The simple fact is , I truly didn’t like glass as a mainstream item however I still loved the pragmatic possibility of glass.

As a paraglider pilot that the first thing I wanted to see was someone building a vario application. I imagined I could find the best thermals without ever looking this down ways. But, Google chose to make it a mainstream item which in my opinion was the biggest error. Individuals are not used to underlying drastic changes like these as well as the issues to creating paradigm changes in what is recognized technology.

The possibilities with Holo seem vast despite 10% of the guaranteed final product becoming a reality. We really require a open API and a instinctive SDK which will make this as far reaching as it needs to . I’m confident that Microsoft has realized the importance of the and that’s the reason why it’s coupling that the API’s to windows 10.

It’s flattering to find that the craziness in the labs of MSR finally getting to hit on the street. I’m humbled by the progress and the vision this business has.


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Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Microsoft Hololens por aumentada

Microsoft HoloLens es un visor inalámbrico que integra el sistema operativo Windows 10. Se trata de un dispositivo para explotar Windows Holographic.

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